March 27, 2020


Jessica Strelecky



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5 Ways I am Personally Handling the Corona Crisis.

I thought my personal post this week should somehow touch on the most current of events. I’ve thought about how I would approach the COVID-19 topic for nearly two weeks now and rather than posting about safety, prepping or my own company policy, I thought I would share with you the 5 ways I am personally handling the Corona Crisis of 2020.

1- Tackling My To-Do List

5 Ways I am Handling the Corona Crisis

Let’s face it, we all have a to-do list that seems to never end! I am no exception to this so I am trying to use this time at home to complete as many of these tasks as possible. This will look different for everyone but for me it is a lot of laundry, cleaning out closets and catching up on blogging and editing personal projects!

2- Baking

I will be the first to admit that I am not much of a cook. I mean- there are two savory things that I will make with out hesitation; meatloaf and bolognese sauce. That is it.

My forte is baking! Cookies, cakes and pies, oh my! I do not get to bake nearly as much as I like, so during this lockdown I am baking every day. It’s therapeutic for me and my kids love it!

What are my signature baked goods you ask?

I am known for my brown sugar cookies, s’mores pie and banana bread (I’ve made three loaves just this week!!) If you would like the recipe, shoot me an email and I will send it to you!

3- “Planning” Our Next Vacation

I know it doesn’t seem like a great idea to be planning travel right now… but having something to look forward to IS. My family is a Disney family through and through. We travel to Walt Disney World every year or two so we are spending time dreaming up what our next trip will look like!

As it currently stands, I am spending half of our next trip at the Grand Floridian Spa… that will definitely change once we make real plans!

4- Family Time

How can family time be considered something I am doing to handle this health crisis? Especially when a lot of people I know seem to be wilting under the pressure of constant time with their families.

Well, to be really honest, we do not get nearly enough family time. Mike and I both have very full work schedules, our kids are in activities and then there is normal life-maintenance like chores & appointments that gobble up a lot of our time. In the hustle and bustle of modern life, the simple act of playing a game of UNO! with the kids or having dinner together as a family is a luxury. So I am taking full advantage!

We have been alternating between family game night, family movie night & family walks. I imagine this is a lot what life was like in the yesteryears, when things were seemingly simple. And I am loving it (most of the time)!

5 Ways I am Handling the Corona Crisis
Cell phone shots of some of our fun family times, shared on my Instagram COVID Diary!

5- Grace, Lattes & Smiles.

When the world just sort of froze in place, I had huge aspirations. I was going to do all of the things. I had every intention of being the fairytale mamma that cooked, cleaned & manned the children with a smile on her face.

By day five of self quarantine I was running low on hope and energy.

And we all know Dolly handles that!

“Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawn and stretch and try to come to life”

-Dolly Parton

I realized that I have to love myself a little. My kids don’t need a super mom, they need a mamma that was fun and easy to be around. I realized I also have to give myself a little grace in all of this!

•Eating a whole bag of chocolate is okay.

•Being frustrated or sad is okay.

•Wearing your pajamas all day is okay.

•Drinking three lattes before noon is acceptable.

•Having a glass of wine at 2 o’clock… definitely acceptable right now!

•Getting a lot of work done is okay.

•Taking a day to do nothing at all is okay too.

Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was your winter body (thank you, quarantine baking-spree!!), nor will our new lifestyle be “normal” over night.

So here we are, day 13.

I am donning the same pair of black leggings and black hoodie that I’ve worn most days (washing every couple of nights, of course) paired with socks that have hot pink balloon animals on them because they make me smile and, as Buddy the Elf puts it, “I just like to smile- smiling is my FAVORITE!!”

These are my own 5 ways I am personally handling the Corona Crisis- I am taking all things in stride and rolling with the punches. Smiling every day while baking up something extra tasty, popping chocolates in my mouth & deciding if my next drink will be coffee or wine.

Tell me, friends, what have YOU been doing to manage during your “Corona-cation”?

Photo Credits:

Headshots: Ali Rae Haney Photography

Venu: The Barn at Willowbrook

Hair & Make Up: Beauty By Audrey B

Wardrobing: White House | Black Market

Shoes/ears: Walt Disney World

Coffee/mug: Starbucks


  1. aww I love this post! I’m pretty sure my family just became a Disney family after our first trip this year back in January!

  2. Britany says:

    I love this so much! Our kids need to see us as more than just dictators. Happy quarantine!

    • Jessica barrett photography says:

      Thank you. And YES- we are doing a LOT of playing. We use the saying “we all have to work together right now” a lot… the kids get to help in activity and meal planning. SO much is out of their control right now (loss of prom and graduation, loss of a sweet 16 party, loss of dance classes and friends…..) so we are letting them have control where it’s safe and allowable 🙂

  3. Kristin says:

    Such great ways to pass the time!

  4. Kelly says:

    Loved reading about this! Way to stay positive and productive!

  5. Josefin says:

    Very useful tips! Thank you! It’s a bit chocking how fast all of this happen with the Covid-19. Feels like it almost happen over a night.

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