The JBP Ambassador Program is an exclusive opportunity for a few lucky families to become an integral part of JBP each year.  Babies, children and the family bring so much joy into our lives and I believe in preserving them and the joy they bring through photography. The motherhood journey is so important and I want a select group of mommas to join me in my mission of documenting it in all of it's glory through sessions and social engagement!

As a brand ambassador for Jessica Barrett Photography, you'll play an important role in sharing the joys of motherhood, family and JBP photography with your network, while enjoying free sessions, exclusive benefits, and print product discounts along the way.


JBP ambassador 


JBP Ambassador, season 1

debrah  w.

“ Being a JBP Ambassador has been an amazing opportunity for special sessions. I especially love the exclusive discount!"


The ideal Ambassador:
-Is comfortable in front of the camera, is outgoing, and has an active social media presence.
-Is happy to have their photos used for marketing purposes.
-Would love to be a spokesmodel for Jessica Barrett Photography in exchange for free photos.
-Is interested in purchasing wall art and/or albums at an epic discount
-Lives within 60 miles of Williamsburg, Va
-Loves the idea of being styled for your photo sessions. These are curated and styled sessions, so ambassadors must be willing to collaborate on wardrobe.

Spots are limited, but include maternity/baby milestones (maternity & newborn through 12 months), kids from 1 year through teen and families of varying ages and stages. 

The Requirements:
-Sharing your images on social media and tagging JBP
-Permission for JBP to share your images for marketing purposes (signed model release)
-Tagging Jessica Barrett Photography in any local ISO photographer posts on social media
-Sharing JBP posts for events 
-Ambassadors must be relatively flexible and available for photo sessions when requested, sometimes during the week
-Providing a testimonial for marketing use
-One blog post, questionnaire style 
-Must be willing to travel up to 60 miles for a session (not likely, but possible for some Ambassadors/sessions)
-Willingness to follow outfit guidelines for sessions

The Details:
-Commitment Length: 1 year. Each ambassador will have a one year contract for their membership 
-Ambassadors agree to an exclusivity clause during your term. (This means you can not work with another photographer during your year on the team.)
-Ambassadors participate in 3-4 sessions per term, the length of the session will vary based on session type
-Sessions are held with a specific mission in mind, this may be to try new lighting techniques/poses/props/locations/etc, to add something specific to my portfolio, to prepare a competition piece or prep for session events.

Cost: $450 initiation fee. 

The Fun Stuff:
-3-4 sessions during your membership
-Digital download of your images, that you can share on social media and print up to 8x10
-An amazing discount on all print products during your term
-Early booking to any mini sessions that may be held during your Ambassador term
-Exclusive Ambassador referral perks 

Want to apply to the JBP Ambassador Program? Great! Simply fill out this form and I will send you an application! Spots are limited, not all applicants will be accepted.