November 22, 2016


Jessica Strelecky



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Parent Watch Day

There are three thrilling days for me as a dance mom (and I use the term “dance mom” pretty lightly. As in… my kids dance. That’s it). Obviously the annual recital is a big deal. I also love the dress rehearsal because that’s when cameras are allowed. But the first exciting day of each dance year is the day they allow parents to sit in on their child’s class. Yes folks, Parent Watch Day. It is the day that most of the big kids probably dread while the little kids squeal about it. It’s the day that dinner is late (or fast food). Parent Watch Day is the day I smile from ear-to-ear for over an hour.

Before we get to the images, there are two disclaimers. First of all, I do not have a release form for all of the little kids in my daughter’s class. Due to this their faces are blurred. I always respect privacy. That being said, if you are a mom in this particular class and would like to have an image that your daughter is in, just send me an email. Secondly, my older children forbid me from attending their classes and embarrassing them with my camera. (oh, the horror) Fear not, my sweet children, that camera will be going full throttle come dress rehearsal time! (insert wicked laugh)

Now onto the fun stuff! Miss S.K. and her class of intro dancers!

First they do some warm up stretches.parent watch day jessica barrett photography

Followed by Over the Rainbow Stretches.jessica barrett photography dance

Then they did “Ballet Walks”. This exercise was especially popular!dance jessica barrett photography

Miss S.K. draws a chalk line down the middle of the room. The girls take turns doing a move down the line. On this particular day they asked her to make a hand turkey at the end!parent-watch-2016-9parent-watch-2016-12

Time to change shoes! This is when class got rather noisy but the kids loved hearing the sound of their feet.parent-watch-2016-17


Finally, to wrap up every class, the girls get a little smiley face sticker on their hand. A great reward for an hour of hard work!parent-watch-2016-31parent-watch-2016-33

Almost everyone had a blast! After the holiday season is over they will start working hard on their recital piece. So for now this is my glimpse into her dance world and I am very much looking forward to the dress rehearsal. I can’t wait to have another chance to capture more images of my children doing something they love. But mostly,  I can’t wait to embarrass the big kids.

(ha ha ha!)


  1. Pat says:

    Awww absolutely adorable, great pictures,

  2. Were these taken at a dance studio in Williamsburg VA? I love how you were able to capture them just as they are, children! And only a fantastic children photographer would be able to do that!

  3. Andrea Krey says:

    This is such a great idea. I am looking for a child photographer in Williamsburg VA. I will contact you to find out if you are available for a session with my two small children.

  4. Megan says:

    These have to be the cutest little dancers in Williamsburg, Va. I am sure they are so honored to have a talented photographer like yourself to capture these for them!

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